I'm playing along with
Scrappy Jessi, and sharing some of my favorite childhood toys. It was lots of fun trying to remember what my favorites were and then hunting down pictures of them on the internet. Most of these pictures came from ebay, so ladies...our toys are still out there & we can own them again!!! (I don't have any actual pictures of myself with my toys which makes me think that I need to go through some of mom's old pictures!)
My sister & I played Hi-Ho! Cherry-O by the hours.

Everyone had Little Kiddles & the ones in the lockets, too. We had this surf-board one. (I say "we" because this one may have been my sisters, but we played together with a bunch of them, so who really remembers?) But, I remember the sunglasses, bikini swim suit & surf board like it was yesterday.

I know that I personally had this exact locket one, though!!

Then when we got a little older, Dawn Dolls were popular. They were like Barbies only smaller. I had this one named "Angie." I read that Dawn Dolls were only made for three years - probably quite a collector's item if I had hung onto it!

For some reason I had my share of boy toys (no brothers, so someone had to be the Tomboy).
I had a race track just like this (along with a dump truck & a cap gun.)

Did any of you have a Show and Tell? Wow, they were great!! There was a record and a film strip-like thing that you watched while the record played. I found this great picture on ebay. We had all of those shows...I remember Ali Baba and the 40 Theives & Hiawatha, too!! Lots of fun in the attic watching this with my sisters. I had forgotten all about it until I was searching for pictures of the Viewmaster, but this beats the Viewmaster hands down.

My most favorite childhood toy was this Kewpie doll. I carried it everywhere. (This is not my actual doll, although mine was exactly like this...mine is around here somewhere, packed away in a trunk or something...but I found these pictures online.) For some reason my sister was mad at me one day and locked herself into her bedroom and made a HUGE red ink mark on the side of my Kewpie's face. We couldn't get it off and it faded to pink while trying. Let me just say, it was an awful experience.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of the favorite toy posts. I'm sure it will bring back some memories for me!!
If you haven't signed up already, there is still time to sign up for my give-away. I will be drawing the winner at 7:00 (CST). Just leave a comment here. Thanks for playing along!!! In a few days I will post pictures of the Spring Time in Paris Swap. That was a lot of fun! I sent my box out this week & am also waiting for mine to come - looking forward to it!! Plus I'm trying to get a few things ready for etsy, so check back! :)